Le Président de la Cour Suprême du Pakistan, Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudry, a été réinstallé dans ses fonctions, une mesure qui répond au but premier des manifestations continues des juges et des avocats et de la Longue Marche. Le Premier ministre pakistanais l'a annoncé au cours d'un discours télévisé [en anglais]. En outre, le gouvernement a accepté de rétablir tous les juges destitués et de réviser les décisions de la Cour pour Nawaz Sharif et Shahbaz Sharif, respectivement.
Farhan, sur GuppuBlog, écrit [en anglais, comme tous les blogs cités] :
Finally, the government of Pakistan has surrendered in front of the will of Pakistani people. After trying every alternative, as a last resort, government of Pakistan has finally decided to restore the deposed Judges including Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry. It’s a kind of celebration here in Pakistan after all, the struggle of Lawyers, students, civil society, activists, bloggers have succeeded.
Talha Masood, d’Islamabad Metblogs, se sent rassuré :
People all over Pakistan are celebrating, and I had a sigh of relief as well keeping in mind that I feared loads of bloodshed today.
Faisal, sur Deadpan Thoughts, s'exprime ainsi dans un article intitulé “ Le peuple a parlé“:
Today is a great day for this country, a defining moment. It is great not just because the Chief Justice has been restored to his rightful place, not because the leaders have finally seen sense. It is a great moment because the people of Pakistan all got together yesterday and showed their leaders that they will be held accountable fo their mistakes. It is glorious because the democracy that our leaders keep talking about was in full flow yesterday as the public demanded and their wishes were fulfilled, they had but one voice and one cause and all the containers blocking them, the police baton charging and tear gassing them and the barbed wires in their way were destroyed in front of the power of the people of this great land.
Let Us Build Pakistan a réuni les reportages et les articles de blogs afin d'étudier la véritable histoire de la Longue Marche et la réintégration du juge Iftikhar Chaudry. Plus tôt au cours la deuxième journée de la Longue Marche, la chaine télévisée privée GEO TV a cessé de diffuser dans beaucoup de villes pakistanaises alors que la répression des forces de l'ordre contre les manifestants continuait. CHUP! – Changing Up Pakistan, a signalé que
Sherry Rehman, a PPP member and the Information Minister has reportedly resigned from her post, in protest of the GEO News ban.
Nila Kantha Chandra, de Kolkata, en Inde, félicite les Pakistanais pour ce triomphe de la démocratie, rajoutant que l'Inde elle-même pourrait profiter de cette leçon :
Indians have much to learn from Pakistanis about keeping democracy alive. Indians have been lulled into slumber by the rituals of democracy in India, devoid of its substance.
For too long, for an entire generation, Indians have taken their democracy for granted, and been steeped in apathy. And thus rendered our democracy comatose. A democracy is only as good as its citizens’ consciousness and activism.
So, I hope my fellow-countrymen (and women) learn from our dear neighbour, Pakistan. And until then, I doff my topi to Pakistanis and say: Pakistani Zindabad! (Long Live Pakistanis!)
Cela fait trop longtemps, au moins une génération entière, que les Indiens considèrent la démocratie comme acquise. Imprégnés d'apathie, ils ont ainsi mis notre démocratie dans le coma. Une démocratie ne vaut que par la conscience et l'engagement de ses citoyens.
Or, j'espère que mes concitoyens/ennes pourront apprendre quelque chose de notre cher voisin, le Pakistan. En attendant, je tire mon topi aux Pakistanais et proclame : Pakistani Zindabad ! (Vive les Pakistanais !)