
Billets de 09/05/2011

Brésil : Homophobie, religion et politique


In the second article in the series dedicated to LGBT issues in Brazil, Global Voices reports on polemical statements made by parliamentarians, extreme right groups and religious representatives that oppose legislative advances, and have left the blogosphere startled at the level of hatred and prejudice shown.

Malaisie : Des camps militaires pour “aider” les garçons efféminés


Based on their effeminate tendencies, 66 schoolboys from the state of Terengganu in Malaysia were recently sent to a boot camp aimed at "helping them behave in a proper manner". The boys were identified by their schools, who were instructed last year to identify students who displayed feminine qualities. The blogoshere in Malaysia is divided over this issue.

Mais où se situe donc Taïwan ?


Vous vous souvenez de Where the hell is Matt ? [« Mais où se trouve donc Matt ? »] Wu Jian-heng (吳建衡), un jeune globe-trotter originaire de Taïwan est parti...

Japon : La légende des Sanka, nomades vivant en pleine nature


A documentary has recently revived interest in the existence of the 'Sanka', a group of people who are said to have lived in the remote mountains and plains of the Japanese archipelago until the 1970s. Some bloggers have speculated on the origins of these legendary nomads. Un récent documentaire a ravivé l'intérêt collectif pour les Sanka, peuple dont il est dit qu'il vécut dans les montagnes et les plaines reculées de l'archipel japonais jusque dans les années 70. Des blogueurs s'interrogent sur les origines de ces nomades légendaires.